Yep, I can say I have pretty much met all of the above and many more !
I started to wonder if a persons employment does affect their behaviour, do they have a common thread that runs through them ? Should I be looking more for a profession than a person as such? Have I been chasing the wrong guy due to their work code or has it been just bad luck ? So I thought I would run back through a few. Okay I haven't meet a professional Tinker, or a tailor actually, but lets start with a few common ones......

Policeman- supposed to be morally upstanding, dependable, trustworthy, the up-stander for whats right and wrong in society. Erm, not from what I have experienced ! Id always heard never trust a policeman, they always have eyes everywhere and probably if not a wife, another girl elsewhere ! I have met at least three coppers. All nice guys on the surface- but none of them good at letting the past go, or another woman pass them by ! They believe themselves to be superior to anyone else. Not what I'm looking for thank you!
Firemen- have met/dated two, and I can honestly say in my opinion worse than Policemen! Both had their own warped sense of reality, or what was morally right from wrong. Its not actually the case they cant keep their hose pipe in their trousers. In these cases it was what went on in their heads that was the problem.Either morally wrong thoughts or lies and truth distortions. I wont go in to details but let say I only want to see a fireman in an emergency in future !

Drivers- bus/lorry/delivery. Sudden realisation as I wrote that sentence that these guys all seem to be shy, reserved and quiet in public. But with alcohol and on a one to one basis they become animals ! Maybe its the time they spend driving alone all day, but they seem to crave a womans body over her mind. Very physical human beings (I'm not complaining) but also hard to read and to actually find the man hidden below. I have known one for years and I still can't suss him out. I thought he was a womaniser, but the longer I have known him the more I think I was well off the scent. Unless he is the mastermind at lying !
Office workers/estate agents/sales reps. Although I have included Office workers I actually not sure if I can remember one ! Better cross them off my list

a too quick text reply can send them into a melt down. They may be able to sell houses or paper etc but with matters of the heart they seemed to get flustered and tie themselves up in knots. Likeable guys as a rule, but tend to say what they think you want to hear and then turn it all around and accuse you of wanting more than them.
Ooo just remembered I did date an office worker- although he worked shifts but sat behind a desk that was what threw me off ! Now he was a very troubled man. Didn't know what he wanted. Maybe that's the shift worker pattern coming into its own. Firemen, police, warehouse men all shift workers who seem confused child like people who probably all should of had a more dominant mother in their lives !
At the root of it all though lays ones connecting factor. Me ! Maybe it is me after all ! Maybe they all lied when they uttered the words- "Its not you"
Oh god time for some more self analysis !