Yes folks I'm back ! Sorry for the long delay in service. Its for two reasons. One, I started to feel like I was using this more to self analyse my life rather than it being about actual dates , and two, I did for a while start seeing someone. And as we know I then start to think its leading somewhere and then boom it falls out of the sky and I'm firmly back on the ground again rather than being on cloud nine. !
Not that I'm sad and lonely or depressed about being single or hearing the Queen song going round in my head "another one bites the dust". To be honest I think I have had a lucky escape. Either I am far too analytical of people and their actions or this guy really did show his true colours underneath the peacock feathers.
As usual everything started very well. Dates out, giggles laughs , open communication lines. All the right noises being heard and smiles appearing. Then over time cracks started to appear in his stories. I never judge people by their financial situation. As long as you are holding your on who cares if you live in a castle or a bedsit. I rent my home so I never judge others on their living arrangements. But this guy seemed to think he was above everyone else. Scoffed at people who in his words "had nothing- do you know they don't even own any property ". This guy in the beginning said he owned two properties, both that were being sold so he could have a fresh start. But within a short amount of time his empire suddenly crumbled. One house was given back to the bank as he claimed he would not have any profit due to it being his second property and having to pay capital gains tax. Then the second property was being repossessed by the bank. Even when he said he had sold the property he claimed the bank were taking him to court to repossess. Now I know these things can happen, but you have to be behind in your payments to get to this point. So maybe instead of taking me to view brand new cars and custom made bicycles he was looking at buying, he should of been concentrating on his predicament. One minute his mum was lending him the money for a new car (because a used Ford focus is a complete come down from driving a convertible Audi don't you know), the next shes had a car crash and cant lend him the money to clear the arrears as she needs a new car (isn't that what car insurance is for?) I wont even start on the expensive motorbikes he claimed he owned and rode regularly with his dad (never in the three months I knew him) , or the problems he had with his tenants ( including not drying up their washing up and just leaving it on the draining board. I'm going to have to have another word with them.) or his obsessive need to write reviews on every place we went to in a very critical manner.
Suddenly in the midst of this drama he backs off and stops contact. He deletes his Facebook profile (fed up of seeing everyone else happy apparently.) and eventually claims he needed time out. So when we eventually talk I explain the two biggest pet hates of mine. Being cut off and being lied to. Does he listen ? NO ! No further contact for three more days until he says hes sold the flat again, and at no point asks how I am (even though I was awaiting some hospital results myself- that's another story- didn't even offer to go to my previous appointment with me !). Then nothing more. I gave up caring at that point. It suddenly became clear he was a self centered egotistical condescending idiot. How dare he comment on my parenting skills when he doesn't even see his own child, or complain I don't own sharp enough kitchen knives (ex chef apparently)
Blimey - I have just realised I have only just touched the surface with his stories ! Maybe they were all true. But at the end of the day I don't need or want to be judged by someone constantly who appears to claim god like status above us mere mortals. So its back to the drawing board. begin the search again, although I'm starting to loose the will to live over it all ! More new clothes to buy for new dates, the highs and lows of spending time texting and then meeting up for it to not go anywhere. All the strange people and requests you get sent, the knack of trying to sell yourself without coming across as boring, the fear of the question "what do you do in your spare time" when you realise the answer is nothing ! I don't have interesting hobbies- I don't sky dive, or go urban climbing, or ride a motorbike, or even go to the gym! My life consists of work, dog walking, teenage daughter moanings, housework, reading and sofa surfing! What a catch I am !
Never fear though, at least I have you guys along for the ride to keep me company !
Footnote- need to buy a new laptop !mine is older than me and won't load any pictures to the blog sorry!
My dating blog - all about me and how I plan to tell anyone who is interested about my dating experiences
Saturday, 29 October 2016
Sunday, 3 April 2016
A clear head and an open heart
After a night out comes the hangover. A day wasted recovering. But the day after that is always a reflective one on my part. Not that I have done anything wrong on my night out. More that it sharpens my mind to how I waste time or energy on people who clearly I shouldn't. It's like a cleansing of the soul. It's like the sun has risen up on a clear morning and the hazy clouds have parted. My inner thoughts come to the surface and I finally act on them. As much as it's painful to do , the realisation that no matter how hard you try some people are only meant to be in your life for a short period of time . The cracks that showed before are still there. No bandage will cover them. Any words Spoken are still empty of true meaning. Some people hope and dream for something special , but in reality it takes more effort than they are willing to make.
Other people make the effort , but my heart does not beat fast for them. The feelings can't be forced. The reason it never worked in the past lost in a haze. It's like meeting a stranger but knowing something stops you connecting with them.
My night out makes me realise I have some true friends. People who came into my life to not be partners in love but partners in crime. Those fun nights out drinking , putting the world to rights, laughing and just enjoying the time together. You say goodbye knowing you may not meet up again for a while but can still pick up where you left off. They don't judge your life choices and I don't judge theirs. You are both just happy to find a kindred spirit to let loose with.
I want more of these times. I've spent too long looking for someone to devote my whole time too. Don't get me wrong. I still want that. I just want friends around me to share moments with more. So then when I do finally find that elusive beating heart they are there to share my joy.
Saturday, 13 February 2016
Valentines Day
Nowadays I don't really take much notice of Valentines day. Don't get me wrong I love romance, but don't see why it should be just displayed for one specific day a year only. Love shouldn't be forced into a public display of who got the best red roses, or got whisked away for an overpriced stay in a hotel because its Valentines day. Its a private thing between two (or more - I'm open minded!) people.
Thing is when you are single any special day can make you feel as low and unloved as Valentines day. Going to weddings with no plus one, being the odd one out at meals, going home to an empty house, no one to curl up to on the sofa at Christmas to watch old movies with. Any day can feel like a dagger to your heart not just the one special day of seeing everyone else's roses and chocolate pictures on social media.
God I'm coming across all miserable and depressed ! The thing is I am not. Well I don't think I am.Or am I ? Who knows ! What I do know is my head and heart sends me mixed messages all the time.
Yes I do want someone in my life, full time, committed to a life together as a couple.
But I also worry or panic about loosing my independence. My me time. Those days I can just sit around all day with my hair pulled back in a ponytail, in tracksuit bottoms and sloppy top, just being me. When I can watch trash on the tele, or eat chocolate or cry for no reason without being questioned as to why.
I never feel lonely in those moments. I just feel like I'm chilling out, relaxing, zoning out from this crazy fast paced world we live in.
But then sometimes I worry about spending the rest of my days alone. Becoming a recluse with only the tv and internet as her friends.
Maybe I am hard work ! My brain cant seem to cope with me so how could anyone else ! Maybe I put too much pressure onto something being perfect. Looking for that connection on a higher level than just two people who get on. Should I still be craving and searching for that heart warming feeling, that butterflies in your tummy feeling at my age? Should I just settle for someone I get on with?
And that my friends is the million dollar question !
Thing is when you are single any special day can make you feel as low and unloved as Valentines day. Going to weddings with no plus one, being the odd one out at meals, going home to an empty house, no one to curl up to on the sofa at Christmas to watch old movies with. Any day can feel like a dagger to your heart not just the one special day of seeing everyone else's roses and chocolate pictures on social media.

Yes I do want someone in my life, full time, committed to a life together as a couple.
But I also worry or panic about loosing my independence. My me time. Those days I can just sit around all day with my hair pulled back in a ponytail, in tracksuit bottoms and sloppy top, just being me. When I can watch trash on the tele, or eat chocolate or cry for no reason without being questioned as to why.
I never feel lonely in those moments. I just feel like I'm chilling out, relaxing, zoning out from this crazy fast paced world we live in.
But then sometimes I worry about spending the rest of my days alone. Becoming a recluse with only the tv and internet as her friends.
Maybe I am hard work ! My brain cant seem to cope with me so how could anyone else ! Maybe I put too much pressure onto something being perfect. Looking for that connection on a higher level than just two people who get on. Should I still be craving and searching for that heart warming feeling, that butterflies in your tummy feeling at my age? Should I just settle for someone I get on with?
And that my friends is the million dollar question !
Friday, 15 January 2016
New Year New Horizons ?
Its been a while avid readers! Sorry for my delay in writing a new blog, although on the plus side that normally means my dating life is running smoothly!
Well it was, but then here I am back again ! This time nothing dramatic, just a friendship that is best left as a friendship.
So 2016 what will you have in store for me ? Probably much of the same as the previous Years! Already I have encountered the usual suspects. Guys who blow really hot and want to meet up, then vanish without a trace. Or the one that goes "Sorry babe got a few family dramas going on, I'm going to have to cancel out date" This "family drama" then makes them incapable of texting ever again. Seriously just be honest! Its easier all round and everyone knows where they stand. This line always leads me to think I must be superhuman. I have stress coming at me from all angles- Work, parents, and daughter of nearly 18 Years old who appears not to learn from her mothers mistakes (or listen to her advise !) Yes I admit some days I just want to go home curl up in a ball and tell the world to do one whilst I cry my heart out. But that doesn't render me incapable of still going on dates or even replying to messages! I am woman hear me roar!
So what gem of a story can I tell you today? What have we not heard before?
How about the one where I spotted an ex on Tinder . Nothing wrong with that except he is "supposedly" happy and settled with new kids since 2013 ! Out of fun I clicked yes and so had he !
Or the one where I received a message from a guy who's initial picture looked promising. Until you flicked to the second one which showed a her ! Turned out "they" were looking for a lady to start a relationship with together ! I politely replied to his message with a "I believe I have stumbled into something I don't want to be a part of thanks "
Or the one where when asked why he only had one badly taken out of focus photo on his profile he replied with "have you ever tried to take a photo of yourself?" Er Yes ! That's what reverse cameras & timers on smart phones are for! Or failing that if you are shockingly bad with technology why not ask a friend !
Or the guy who has as his only profile pic a naked shot of the rear of him . Or the guy who has taken a photo in his kitchen, using a full length mirror which shows him sitting on a chair in just his pants and socks !! Seriously !!
Please excuse me whilst I curl up into a ball and hide !
How about the one where I spotted an ex on Tinder . Nothing wrong with that except he is "supposedly" happy and settled with new kids since 2013 ! Out of fun I clicked yes and so had he !
Or the one where I received a message from a guy who's initial picture looked promising. Until you flicked to the second one which showed a her ! Turned out "they" were looking for a lady to start a relationship with together ! I politely replied to his message with a "I believe I have stumbled into something I don't want to be a part of thanks "
Or the one where when asked why he only had one badly taken out of focus photo on his profile he replied with "have you ever tried to take a photo of yourself?" Er Yes ! That's what reverse cameras & timers on smart phones are for! Or failing that if you are shockingly bad with technology why not ask a friend !
Or the guy who has as his only profile pic a naked shot of the rear of him . Or the guy who has taken a photo in his kitchen, using a full length mirror which shows him sitting on a chair in just his pants and socks !! Seriously !!
Please excuse me whilst I curl up into a ball and hide !
bad behaviour,
bad dates,
dating diary,
dating disasters,
dating excuses,
dating mistakes,
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essex girl dating,
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single life,
single men,
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