Sunday, 30 December 2012

New pictures

I like to keep my photos on my dating page up to date. Mainly because then no one can accuse me of looking vastly different from my pictures if we eventually meet up. Its a well known fact though that other people don't change their photos, or use old ones from 2-3 Years prior. Okay looks aren't everything but it is false advertising!
Some profiles include a picture of a group of people. If this is the only photo its very difficult to work out who is who. In today's world of camera phones, web cams and digital cameras its not hard to take a snap shot of yourself- alone- and not next to your ex ( "oh that my sister") . Its not as if you have to wait for the local chemist or snappy snaps to process your old camera film and then scan, copy and paste is it!

So today I updated my profile photo. The others are only a few weeks or months old, but yet again Ive changed my hair colour so I loaded up a new photo. As always this leads to an influx of new messages. Maybe its just that men look at the pretty pictures, think " oo look a newbie" and just dont bother checking out screen names, details etc. Because every time I get repeat messages from guys who have messaged me before and I have never replied to, or the communication just stopped.
Today is no different. Remember back in April , the story of being stood up on a dog walk ? (standing in the car park alone) Well the same guy sends me a message!

hi there how are u have u had a good christmas xx

Ok , so his screen name has changed, but he still has the same photo, he still lives in the same village and he still does the same job. Does he think Im stupid or has he clearly forgotten who I am ?! So I prompt his memory:

Yes thanks. How was yours?

not bad thanks so wheres near ******(village do you live ?) im in *********(village) xx

Why? So you can make me drive to B****l and stand me up again??!!

you what xx

Dont you remember? I live in S****. You are a courier. We arranged to meet to walk the dog, you didn't pick me up and then told me to drive to ****** cos you were waiting for me there. But you weren't !

are u sure xx

positive. So much so I even wrote a blog about you.

Dont think it was me.x

 Now either I have completely lost the plot or this guy really thinks he can just carry on winding me up! In the end I told him to cast his mind back to April & sent him the link to the blog I wrote. He claims his name is James. Whether he is James, Simon or Fred it doesn't matter to me. I would know that face anywhere! I honestly don't know why I bothered to even reply !

Sunday, 9 December 2012

A Year in dating

Nearly a Year ago I started writing this blog about my dating life. Partly because I had so many stories I felt needed sharing to the world and writing a book was too daunting a task. But also as a means of me expressing my emotions and coming to terms with things. Its so easy to bottle feelings up that then overcome you. My wise father once told me to write things down. It may not solve the problem but it does help to release the emotion on to a piece of paper, or in this case the world wide web! Okay so some people can't understand my need to share my personal life to the World for all and sundry to read, but for me it works. In today's technology fueled world its the modern day equivalent to a diary!
This time of Year we tend to see lots of reviews about whats happened in the World over the last twelve months. Considering I haven't written about all my dates, the prospect of looking back is not done with a smile on my face! I consider myself to be quite a happy woman most days (excluding the hours I spend at work) but even I am struggling to raise a smile.
Okay, maybe I'm being  a bit hard on myself and all the Guys I have met. They haven't all been bad. The good ones know who they are as they are all reading this! Some how some of my past daters have evolved into a sort of support network around me. I find myself talking to them and asking their advise over the advise of friends. Maybe its because I feel they know me better than some friends, or maybe its because they are in the same boat. We all want to be happy with someone we love, who loves us back equally for all our faults. These great Guys know me and my faults.  They tell me when to man up, when to walk away, what to look out for, they pick me up when I am down and they laugh with me at my scrapes. And in turn I am there for them. Always ready to chat and lend an ear, like the equivalent of a long distance sharing of a bottle of wine  In my own way I love each one dearly. Otherwise I wouldn't still be in contact with them. It doesn't mean they are my fall back when I've been stood up, I do not look at them as my back up plan. They are decent guys who for whatever reason between us have just become good loyal friends. I honestly wish them luck in finding their life partners and wish them a full life of happiness.Although if they could set me up with my Mr Wonderful I will be eternally grateful!

So as I look back what can I say about 2012 ? Well there have been some winners and some losers. Some highs and some crashing lows. I don't regret anything I have done or written about. I have created some memories along the way, nice restaurants, days out, etc, and some of those memories will stay private to me till my dying day. In writing this blog some people think it gives them the right to mock me for my bad luck in love. I stand tall against those people who do not know the real me. Mock me all you like, to me it just means your own life is lacking in some adventure. Inside though I am probably hurting from your words so often said in jest, but that are actually very hurtful.
This time of Year is always hard for us Singletons. Christmas is all about family and loved ones. When that special person is missing from your life it can mean you feel very lonely. I find myself over emotional at the moment, and ready to burst in to tears at the slightest thing. Its like a bad case of Christmas PMT ! Some one need to rescue me with a years supply of chocolate, baileys and laughter before I let the wallowing in self pity take over. God help the next person who upsets me. Cover your ears for an almighty rant !
So now I just have to keep looking forward. Look over that Wintery horizon and make something happen in 2013. Its the last Year I will spend in my thirties so I need to compile a list of achievable goals. Places to see, things to do. I have tickets to a gig in February and I'm sure one of my guys will come with me if all else fails. A planned trip to see the Superbikes (motorbikes) with one is starting to be formed, so I already have some things to look forward to. I promise my blog will be with me all the way. 

Let the adventures begin !