Thursday, 9 February 2012

The Signal Man who was economical with the truth

What can I say- we have all lied to some degree in our dating lives. But some lies do come back to haunt you. I don't think I have ever said anything that wasn't too far from the truth, but a few Years back I met a guy who was so wrapped up in his lies he confused it with reality. To begin with as normal we sent messages back and forward, a few texts and then he said one afternoon " I'm off work today, when you finish work how about we meet and take my dog out for a walk?". Innocent enough I thought so I agreed. We met up and I thought he seemed very similar to his profile pics, mannerisms etc. We chatted as we walked and got on quite well. The topic of housing came up and he said he had split from the ex and he lived in the house they both had a mortgage on. He was buying her out and she had moved away. Far enough. No issues there.
The date went well and we arranged to meet again, this time for a drink. I was aware he worked shifts so I was used to his erratic calls/ texts at various times of the day, and of the unavoidable lack of communication when he was at work. Second date went well and he suggested how he would like to take me to London for a meal etc sometime soon in the future.
That weekend I had no contact what so ever from him. I started to get a bit suspicious, a little niggling doubt in the back of my mind. Six am Monday morning I receive a picture message from him- not exactly what you want to open our eyes too first thing in the morning! So, I decided to dig a bit deeper and ask why he hadn't been in contact for a few days. He said the ex had come down to stay in the house. I was a bit shocked, he replied that they still had the joint mortgage and he couldn't afford to buy her out so occasionally she came down at the weekend. Oh separate bedrooms of course!
Now a big warning sign came up over my head! This guy was hiding something or someone. A few days later he suggested I popped round to watch a DVD. This gave me an opportunity to look round the house. Well it only took for him to open the Door for me to see that she- the apparent ex- was doing more than popping back at weekends. Her clothes, shoes, make up etc were laying everywhere! In the hall, on the internal door, the dining room table, the kitchen, the stairs! Even the bathroom- when I excused myself to use the facilities, was full of toiletries ! I sat through the DVD and made my excuses and left.
By know I know whats going on- she was working away and at home at weekends- they were still together. I wasn't interested in being with a cheat, so I backed off and planned my revenge.
That weekend I went out with friends to the town that he lived in. As the night wore on I started sending drunken texts to him (fully aware as to what I was doing) just saying I was out in town, blah blah blah and how I wanted to see him. As it turned late I phoned him- knowing he wouldn't answer as his girlfriend/wife was obviously with him. Five minutes later I sent a  text "left the bar , in a cab on my way to yours "
Within seconds he text back- " what- you cant - shes home this weekend its not fair on the ex"
I replied " I'm just rounding the corner - I need some money to pay the cab driver"
You could feel the panic down the phone as he replied "don't knock on the door"
Oh god I was in hysterics and so where my mates. What an idiot.
Thing is he didn't leave it there- he text me first thing Monday morning. I had deleted his number by then but it was him . He asked if I had calmed down from my strop that I was in over the weekend and would I like to see him later !
The bare faced cheek of the man! Honestly, a lesser innocent girl may have fallen for it- but I smelt a rat early on luckily.
Sad thing is his profile is still on the dating site. I hope to god no one gets taken in by this Signal man

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