Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Its what they don't say that matters.

As a woman my intuition is pretty spot on, I can normally tell when someone is lying to me (especially with years of internet dating to my name!). But last week someone I look up to pointed out its not what people say that you should pay attention to most- its what they don't say. I'm not talking about quiet people, or shy people who don't say much. Its more about the questions they avoid answering, or the things they don't ask about you. Someone who doesn't actually seem that bothered about you as a person and who is more interested in when they will meet you is the type of guy best avoided. As a rule it tends to mean they are only interested in something physical with you, and to put it bluntly they couldn't care who you actually are! As long as they like your face and your a woman that's all that matters. A few months ago I had some contact with a typical man of this species. This is what happened:
As usual I receive a message on the site and we chatted randomly. Quite quickly he asked when he could meet me. I told him I liked to get to know someone first, but he badgered me and beat me down into giving him my number (starting to wonder if to get a second phone!). So we start texting and again he just wants to know when he will meet me. Doesn't seem to care what I do, if I have kids, what I like doing blah blah blah, all the usual stuff we all like to ask when we first contact someone. Even when I asked him stuff he was elusive and seem to avoid answering. I did agree to meet him, but then as the day got nearer and he started saying we could meet for a drink then go back to mine I started to hear the alarm bells. So I cancelled on him.
This in hindsight was a very good idea. A week or so later I was at home one evening and got a call on my mobile from a withheld number. I answered to hear a womans voice say "Hi you dont know me but I think you have been chatting to my husband". I was a tad bit shocked, and then embarrased as I then had to ask what his name was (Pete) and again I asked for more details as just the name didnt really narrow it down for me! (oh god the shame- I sounded like a right floosey !) When she mentioned his screen name (Pete on the side- figures!!) I put two and two together and realised it was this guy. I told her exactly what happened, and to be fair to her she said she didn't blame me, he had been messaging loads of women and she had found all our numbers on his phone. She just thought it was only fair that she alert us all to who he really was !
All power to her to be honest. Brave brave move.
This wasn't the end of the story though. The sneaky rat sent me a text a few weeks later asking how I was. I replied with
"Im fine. Hows the wife?!"
His response was to say he thought it was funny - I disagreed with him on that point!
Then a month or so after that he pops up again on the dating site and sends me yet another message, basically having a dig at me about if I actually went on a date maybe I would meet someone! The cheek of it!
Only the other day I recieved a message on the site. His wife has set up a male profile and has made it her mission to send messages to every single woman within  the area a message to explain how her errant husband is a liar and a cheat and to avoid at all costs!
Boy, nothing like a woman scorned !

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