Sunday, 12 February 2012

a drunken broad

Ok I have been reminded how all these stories are pretty one sided. I don't want to come across as a man hater, because I'm not, so as they say all is fair in love and war I shall tell a tale of my antics.
In my defence this happened a fair few  years ago. Basically I went out one night with a friend to another pub as opposed to our local. We bumped into 3 guys I used to go to school with. It had been a very long time since I saw them so we had a good evening catching up and having a laugh. We where then invited back to one of theirs and we continued the drinking there. At the end of the night they said they were going on the Norfolk Broads the following weekend and we should come down for the weekend. We agreed it would be a giggle and arranged to meet them at a pub along the river on the Saturday afternoon/evening.
When we got there the lads had been drinking since lunchtime (for some reason I'm sure it was St Patricks day weekend as I recall drinking Baby Guinness cocktails!) As a stupid girl that I can be, we decided to play catch up on the drinking front. Very stupid idea, that led to a very drunk stumble back to the boat a few hours later. One of the guys had got chatting to some other girls and the party was to continue on the boat. I remember my friend telling me she had her eye on one of my friends, which I had no problem with. Once back at the boat she and this guy went onto the roof. All very romantic until one of the others decided to pull the roof back and they nearly fell off the side!
I meanwhile was starting to realise how much I had drunk. Although I was flirting with one of the friends I was conscious of how alcohol and sea legs don't mix well for Bonnie. I admitted to him how I was suddenly feeling unwell, he politely asked if I was going to be sick- Yes came my reply! So he ran up the boat to get me something to be sick into and promptly returned with a Colander! I couldn't help myself and I then graced this colander with the contents of my alcohol binge!
Not a pretty sight I can tell you! Although it couldn't have put him of that much as we ended up dating for a few months after that!
The happy ending was saved for my friend. Her and my school mate ended up getting married and now have two lovely children.

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