Monday, 5 March 2012

A friend for life

I haven't just met complete idiots on line. I have made a few good friends, at least one of which I hope will be a lifetime friend.
Like every other man I met him on line. We messaged then texts then had very long telephone conversations and hit it off. We arranged to meet and got on great. After 3 dates he sent me a text which said "Bonnie I think I should let you spread your wings like a butterfly and fly"  I have the utmost respect for him, that he saw that although we got on like a house on fire it wasn't going to go any further.
Now he has become a very dear friend to me. Rightly or wrongly I do turn to him for advice. As a man he can understand the workings of a male brain better than I can (even with all my years experience). He tells me how it is, that I shouldn't give people soo many chances as they will take advantage of my kind nature and big heart. We have both been through a fair few dates, and both seem to be fixers. We both date people who need some sort of help, and then once we sort them out they then bugger off and meet someone else.
He is always there to listen to my random moaning, my latest dilemmas, and my epic fails. He never judges me and has a deep understanding of the way of the dating world.
Someday we will both meet our soul mates, who will make all these bad dates seem a distant memory. In the mean time he will have to put up with my ramblings !
If nothing else, at least the internet bought him into my life. You are a true friend Mr Stone and I look forward to reading your dating book when its written!


  1. I feel extremely humbled by that bon it was 4 dates including the original one lol.I would be honoured to be a friend for life sweet one.I think in reality, the best people in your life are friends..and maybe lovers are an added but unavoidable biological complication for many.. whilst a pleasure for the chosen few.:) x

  2. Mr Stone you are one of the most special honest gentlemen on the planet. Some day you will meet your special lady and I only hope I get an invite to the wedding!
