The last few guys I have met/dated (after a long chat with my dad we decided my last real love was 10 years ago, everything since then has been close friendship/ companionship, so they don't warrant being called real relationships, just dating) seem to all have the same lack luster approach to even venturing outside the house. They are all very quick to "get their feet under the kitchen table " and keep their arses on mine/their sofas. The whole going out seems to have stopped after the first (few if I'm lucky) dates. Don't get me wrong I enjoy sitting in watching a dvd,drinking a bottle of wine, etc. But I don't want to being doing that every night, or every weekend for the rest of my days. Especially not at a time when you should be going out having fun and enjoying each others company. One guy I recently met even thought it was acceptable to inform me that his youngest two children had come over and his 18 Year old daughter was also popping over, after I arrived at his flat (a 40 minute drive from mine). And this was only our third meeting ! To make matters worse after giving him another chance to redeem himself, the next time I drove down his mate was there ! Not exactly conducive to a romantic evening, especially when after his mate left his 18 Year old turned up again !
I don't expect to be going out every time I'm on a date, but I expect some sort of effort. To just turn up at my house, sit on my sofa, and play on your phone all night searching for Ebay bargains is not a good date. Its a piss take ! Or to be more interested in finding out if your ex is dating someone else than actually speaking to me is also not acceptable. Its also a bit hypocritical, when you had been seeing me for at least a month and a half and didn't think you should tell her about me! ( Don't worry at that point I had already come to my senses and finished it with him in my head. I just had to tell him !)
I don't think I'm being demanding. I think I just have some life left in me. As much as I want to settle down long term, I also want to have some fun enjoyable times. If I have to date and continue my search a lot longer to find a like minded man I will do. If that means I am classed as a serial dater then so what. At the end of the day I want to be happy. I can quite easily sit on my sofa with my dog if I want to stay home. Believe me she is probably more fun and better company than a lot of men I have had the misfortune of dating !
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