Sunday, 22 July 2012

History repeating itself

As Shirley Bassey once sung my life feels " like history repeating itself". I seem to be having the dating equivalent of groundhog day! Its a continual round of no hopers and no shows.  The ones that show up I wish didn't, and the ones who vanish before the arranged date are the ones I wish did appear. Like I mentioned in my last blog post I would rather someone be truthful than leave me hanging.
The latest one seemed very keen , kept me up till nearly 2am texting and was in contact till lunchtime of the arranged evening date. Then boom - all contact severed ! I gave him the benefit of the doubt that he was busy and then I get a response to my asking " I don't wanna go getting myself all gorgeous if you going to stand me up" saying "I'm a bit stuck at the moment, looking at a flat" . Okay fair dos, so I ask a bit later (an hour before the arranged date) "I don't want to be a pain but I'm sort of in limbo here! Shall I get ready or not?" 
Guess what? An hour later at the allotted date time still no answer! Now either its a whopping big flat, or his phone has died, or he is out of signal, or he has had an accident or a giant Godzilla type creature tried to kill him or the more likely answer, he has changed his mind. Now as ever I always give someone a chance just in case there is an honest reason why he hasn't even text to say "I'm sorry babe but ...." But come on! Jesus lads grow some blooming balls!
My spare time is precious to me and very limited. My nights when I'm free to go and meet people I value dearly and do not like to be left at the last minute with the whole evening wasted. If I was a bloke I could probably just go down my local pub on my own and meet girls, but as a girl I  can't do that. Society dictates that if I did that I would have a reputation (okay maybe I have one of those already but I haven't sunk that far yet!)
Once again I vow don't let the buggers get you down and bounce back up again ready for the next round!

1 comment:

  1. I think dating is a different mindset for men and women in this situation. Im pretty sure ive got to that point where, i would cut my losses and recognise someone who isnt really in to me before the 1st date at least. Incredible that a blow out can mean a percieved better date is on offer for said arsehole. I think if someone is chatting to more than 1, they should at least be decent enough to give you an audition after all the texts and mutual banter.!

    Im thinking that maybe its men who do this 1st date blow out thing or ive have honed my intuition and self preservation.:)

