Now this is a situation I found myself in many many years ago in a previous internet dating time life! As usual I had got chatting to this guy and he seemed nice, although in hindsight I can see the obvious flaws!
I discovered before meeting him that
a- he was a postman
b- he didn't drive
c- he only lost his virginity in his mid 20's.
Now there is nothing wrong with those points as a rule- but put together in a guy who I was to meet ,was not a good combination!!
I drove down to Burnham on Crouch to meet him (maybe another flag to have spotted!) and pulled up at the side of the road to call him. Shortly later I spotted a Guy walking down the road with a trench coat on and my heart dropped. There's something slightly creepy about a man in a long coat - and as I was discover what lay underneath was even worse! Yet again the curse of the Cords struck me! This time coupled with a paisley shirt- tucked in to said cords! Yuk yuk Yuk YUK !
I wanted to abandon all hope but he had seen me so I couldn't just drive off! So we drove down to the town and parked up. We went for a walk along the sea wall (with anyone else this would have been nice ) and within minutes he was grabbing my hand and my face!! Oh god it was awful! He grabbed me by my face and promptly tried to kiss me! Oh god I wanted to chuck up there and then!
After a short walk we went to a pub for a drink - I hoped for some respite from the groping! He kept sidling up to me and holding my leg, touching my face etc. So I had to change tactic to get away. I started yawning constantly and talking about my ex (my ex did this, we did that oh he was so good blah blah blah) Most guys would be turned off by this, but the octopus didn't take the hint! Eventually I had to just say ' I'm sorry I'm really tired- I need to go home'. So I finally escaped his clutches and drove 45 minutes home.
Once home I text him to say thanks for the evening. He asked to see me again the next day- I refused by saying ' I'm sorry but your not my type, I didn't see any attraction'. His response 'Can we be f@@k buddies instead then?' Oh my God! Shocking behaviour !
In the end I had to block this guy on the site , on messenger, e-mail and mobile - he just wouldn't leave me alone!
Thank god my experiences back then didn't put me off men for life! Although sometimes I wonder if that would have been better!
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