Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Male fantasies

It has recently been discovered by a survey carried out (my own intensive research !) that most men on line seem to all have one thing in common. A certain fantasy.  Now I'm no prude- and certainly wouldn't knock anyone with a good imagination- but its getting boring hearing it now!
Its not like I ask the blokes outright "What is your fantasy ?" On a fair amount of occasions it gets bought up in conversation . Okay maybe I'm slightly at fault if I let the topic slope off towards the gutter- but we are all human after all!
So I hear you ask- What is this usual fantasy? Its basis is spawned from the nature of Internet dating- basically until you meet in person you are both strangers to each other. So you know loads about each other (including stupid random information that even couples who have been together for years probably don't know about the other half), and you have normally seen a few pictures on line, but apart from that are strangers.
The answer is Sex with a stranger. Most guys who bring the whole fantasy issue up normally say they want to have an intimate encounter with a woman they have never met before. Most go as far as saying they would prefer it if the woman doesn't even turn round when the bloke walks into the room, so she doesn't get to see who it is (slight issue with this that springs to mind- what if someone else does walk in by mistake! Could be very embarrassing!).
My response when asked if I would like to help them with their quest for their fantasy fulfilment- "Sorry mate-That's what hookers are for!"
"Oh and be more imaginative!"

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