So yet again I find myself being led a merry dance! This time from a guy who is on a paid for dating site. I thought at least if you're spending money on looking, then you are actually willing to chat and actually meet up! But no! The curse of Bonnie strikes again!
This one seemed very keen to start with, table tennis texting, wanted to meet up, didn't want to wait to long and wanted to meet up over the weekend. Friday and Saturday he bbm's constantly. Sunday- not a dicky bird except mid morning- "sorry manic day be free later. " So I back off. And hear nowt!
Jesus lads ! If you really aren't ready for commitment of meeting someone, or you already have a girlfriend and you are just playing the field, stop being so full on! I can even guess he is telling his mates " Oh she came on too strong to me, she was a bunny boiler". Er No ! I played the game at the speed you were! Then you vanished !
IDIOT!!!! (Him not me!)
I'm not a bad person, I have a sense of humour, not pig ugly, not rude or nasty, so why is it so hard to find someone to lurve me?
And while I'm at it as much as I know writing this blog means the whole world can see whats happened/happening in my life I don't take kindly to being ripped to pieces for my bad luck ! Especially by people close to me.
So friends- think before you mock the single people. You never know even though you are happy now nothings guaranteed forever.
so sorry that yet another dick head crawled out of the wood work, all I can say is that YOU WILL meet someone very very special and when that day comes all the disappointing jerks will fade away. the trouble is that how do you weed out the dross to find the one, unfortunately sweetie I don't know the answer to that but I do know that it will happen because it happened to me, So I am there for you when you need picking up I am there for you when you are happy in short if you need a friend who cares I am there always.. Rob
ReplyDeleteThanks Rob.
ReplyDeleteI will keep wadding through the pond scum to find my frog to turn into a prince!
Years of practice means I always bounce back. Maybe not soo high but I wont let the buggers get me down!
I believe it could be a case of either spotting the signs early on in this case..or realising that many of these type of twats exist and to put in the category of "i will not get stressed just dismiss". I think once you get used to dismissing each type of dating situation, the anger/frustration can be controlled. You have to think that these people are probably not only going to be like that with other women but also possess a dishonest streak. After all, there are ways and there are ways to deal with great human beings... JS 2012
ReplyDeleteI do see it coming more often from a far. You start to notice changes in behaviour easier and notice when too many excuses are being used! I realsie not everyone texts back straight away etc as life can get busy at times. But when its one extreme to the other- long gaps of days followed by non stop texting then my antena goes up and I think - er you young man are not worth my attention!
ReplyDeleteI have a built in bullshit detector, it can tell when someone is not interested by duration of gaps and complete lack of interest in what your texts say.:) JS