Saturday, 31 December 2011

New Years Eve and all that Jazz

So the end of the year is upon us again. I am having a severe attack of not being able to remember what I did this time last year! I have lost track as to when I met certain people and what the hell I have actually done in my life over the last Year and a half! Holy crap. Im 38 in a few weeks time and still seem to lurch from one disaster to the next! The biggest thing to happen this year was the move into mine and Georgias own little rented place. I have certainly come to realise a few things about myself now and find Im a lot happier when I am in my own Company than I used to be. I enjoy the peace and quiet more, instead of being full of pity for being single. I also know what I want in a relationship. Im now not ready to settle for second best or to be with someone rather than being single. Im not expecting Prince Charming to whisk me off my feet and to tick all the boxes required, just someone who makes me smile without it being an effort, someone who keeps my attention and accepts my kookie ways.
So I shall be spending New Years Eve at home with my lovely Daughter. She is the one that will always come first,no matter how much running around I have to do for her! Shes growing up fast and I intend to make 2012 a year of special moments and trips for me and her (cheap ones hopefully!).
As for my love life who knows! Maybe 2012 will bring some happy moments - I can only hope !

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