Monday, 18 June 2012

Its the little things that matter

I'm definitely not materialistic, and it shows in the things that matter to me. To me I'd rather have a wonderful life with loved ones and simple things, than a big house, holidays and a empty heart.
I'm always interested in knowing the silliest things about dates- for instance- the first car they drove, or the first record they bought, favourite sweets as a child. I pay attention to what they talk about, what they love (from films, to football teams to music) and hope at the same time they pay attention to at least the odd word out of my mouth! Because of this I like to buy small gifts or do something that is personal to them. For instance, a guy I dated loved The Big Bang Theory (a comedy tv series about 4 geeks and a girl who lives across the hall) and we shared a joke one evening about ransom notes. So a few nights on I sat in my living room and cut out letters from a newspaper, arranged them into a quote from the programme, took a photo and sent it to him. He found it very funny and sweet.
In the same way years ago in Barcelona I saw some lovely Blue Roses in the market. They were so unusual and I made a comment to the then boyfriend about them. A few weeks later on Valentines day, flowers were delivered to my home and to my surprise and delight it was half a dozen Blue Roses. It meant so much more to me than any big romantic gesture could ever have done.
Its the small things that matter to me rather than the big ones. Silly things bug me, like for instance if a guy was to say " Oh I saw these really cool VW coasters that you would love. I was going to get them for you but I didn't" Erm kiss of death! I hate the words "I was going to" either do something or don't mention it! I remember an occasion where the man (if you could call him that) I was with rang me one morning. He lived about 45 minutes away from me and was wandering round his local market.

"Hi, I've just seen a great dress you would like to wear around the pool on Holiday- its only a tenner"
"Cool, can you get me one please?"
"well I don't know what colour you want" 
"Whats the options?"
"Blue, green, pink or what size to get you, look it might be best if you come down yourself and pick one" 
"so let me get this straight, you want me to drive 25 odd miles to come and look at a ten pound dress that you are standing next to?"

Honestly! Some men just do not understand how to earn brownie points! Its quite simple:
Listen to what your lady gets excited about (and I don't mean in the bedroom in this instance!)
If you see a little gift buy it for her
Do not say "I was going to but"- just don't say anything about it
Call her or text her out of the blue with those 3 little words. Just so she knows she is on your mind

See easy! Take me on a picnic to my favourite beauty spot, with my favorite foods will gain many many more brownie points than an expensive posh restaurant any day!

Saturday, 2 June 2012

That nagging feeling

As a semi professional dater I tend to spot signs that something isn't right quite quickly. Sometimes though I am fooled into believing I'm wrong and just being paranoid. But I think my spidey powers are pretty good and unfortunately again they seemed to have sniffed a little white lie or two that someone has told me.
Now I'm all for Little white lies when need be (I work in customer services so its a part of my working day!) but when someone tells a few porkies it tends to mean you cant trust them or anything they say.
For instance- this one started off with a lie about his age (said 34 when he is in fact 38- but who knows maybe that's a lie too!) and I have my nagging doubts about his occupation, which he had until last week and then changed jobs. He claimed to be a fireman - but never worked nights and always had bank holidays off. Now hes a bus driver- but I have a feeling that's what he was all along. Not that there is anything wrong with being a bus driver- its a job at the end of the day and they are few and far between at the moment. But why lie? The truth comes out in the end . As I started to have my doubts I took to a search on Facebook - to which he claims not to have an account. Erm slight truth in that matter- he doesn't have one, he has two! One states hes single, one states hes in a relationship! He told me they split up in January, but more snooping reveals they were together in February when he posted an "I love you" comment on her page, and she is noted as ending the relationship only at the beginning of April.
Either way I'm starting to remember that we originally talked back in December - I remember him saying he wasn't going out for New Years Eve as he had been out the night before. So when ever they did split up he certainly wasn't single back then!
Moral of the story is dont tell little white lies that can easily be found out! I'm no detective or secret agent, or a stalker for that matter, but I unravelled the story pretty quickly!
In my eyes I think a liar is worse than a cheater. But then neither are top quality human beings! I'm no Miss Innocent and I've made some clangers in the past. But I'm far too old for game playing.
So if anyone asks yes I am single again, because I deserve respect and the truth. I'm not ashamed of being single, or hide the number of guys I have met (okay even I have lost count!). I'm me and eventually my time will come !